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Howard Hughes Medical Institute Potent Biology" Stem Cells, Cloning and
Stem cells are fundamental to biology. In the course of embryonic development, stem cells generate all the specialized cells that populate body tissues like muscle, the nervous system, and
blood. In adults, reserves of stem cells repair and regenerate tissues damaged by disease and wounding. Because of the potential of stem cells to generate fresh, healthy cells, there is a
huge interest in cultivating them to treat various diseases. Theses Holiday Lectures will explore exciting progress toward the goal of harnessing stem cells to treat diabetes, nerve damage,
and heart disease.
Northwest Association for Biomedical Research
This unit, which was designed by teachers in conjunction with scientists, ethicists, and curriculum developers, explores the scientific and ethical issues involved in stem cell research. The
unit begins with an exploration of planaria as a model organism for stem cell research, identifies stages in the development of human embryos and compare the types and potency of stem cells.
Students learn about a variety of techniques used for obtaining stem cells and the scientific and ethical implications of those techniques. Students will also become familiar with policies
and regulations for stem cell research that are currently in place in the United States, the issues regarding private and public funding, and the implications for treatment of disease and
advancement of scientific knowledge.
Canadian Stem Cell Network
Stem cell research, particularly research on human embryonic stem cells, raises a wide range of complex and challenging issues. SCN’S Public Policy & Ethical, Legal and Social
Issues research program is recognized as a global leader in exploring these issues in depth, publishing frequently in Science, Nature and international policy
journals. To encourage and facilitate informed public debate, SCN has produced freely accessible white papers on a number of topics.
Stem Cell Spotlight
Scitable is a free science library and personal learning tool brought to you by Nature Publishing Group, the world's leading publisher of science. Scitable currently concentrates on genetics
and cell biology, which include the topics of evolution, gene expression, and the rich complexity of cellular processes shared by living organisms. Scitable also offers resources for the
budding scientist, with advice about effective science communication and career paths.
The National Association of Biology Teachers empowers educators to provide the best possible biology and life science education for all students.
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