NABT, with the assistance of our generous sponsors, provides a number of awards to biology and life science teachers.
NABT awards recognize teachers for their expertise in specific subject areas, for contributions to the profession made by new teachers, and to recognize service to NABT, life science
teaching, or leadership in learning communities. Each state, province, and territory can also recognize an Outstanding Biology Teacher (OBTA).
Nominate yourself or a colleague for one or more of the following NABT awards by filling out the online nomination form. The nominee will be sent all the information, application
materials, and cover sheets he or she needs to complete to be considered for the award.
For more information regarding NABT Awards as well as the award nomination form please see below.
NABT loves to celebrate science and frequently provides award certificates to science fairs across the country, to recognize outstanding student projects, or to honor special achievements in
the biological and life sciences.
You can request award certificates for your local, state or regional science fair at 2021 Award Certificates
and help NABT support budding biologists in their scientific endeavors.