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Amphibian Project
A collaboration of five conservation professionals, the Emerging Wildlife Conservation Leader’s program and Amphibian Ark to raise funds for and awareness of the global amphibian
extinction crisis. Downloadable classroom curricula, field projects, hands on activities and more.
Monarch Watch
An outreach program from the Kansas Biological Survey, University of Kansas, that gets children of all ages involved in science. Learn about migration, life cycle, rearing, tagging, in-class
research projects, Blog and forum resources and other links.
Operation Rubythroat: The Hummingbird Project
A project from the Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History, participants in the US, Canada, Mexico, and Central America collaborate to study behavior and distribution of the
Ruby-throated Hummingbird. Free AV teleconferences are available to teachers & students.
Project Pigeon Watch
A project from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology to learn about city pigeons, watch pigeons for science, learn cool facts, and increase awareness of nature in your neighborhood. Downloadable
Pigeon Watch kits with posters, guides data sheets and more.
Urban Bird Studies
A project from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, the Celebrate Urban Bird outreach is presented in English or Spanish. Receive a free Celebrate Urban Bird’s kit, information about over
650 Mini Grants or a 10 Minutes bird observation project. This is an opportunity to get “outside.”
Animals in Research: Questions and Answers
The American Physiological Society (The APS) provides answers to FAQ’s about animals in research. Developed for secondary school biology teachers to use in classroom discussions or for
students to use in research papers or debates there are multiple links to government resources.
The American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS) site that provides information to students, teachers and parents on responsible lab animal care and use in biomedical research
testing and education.
Animal Diversity Web (ADW)
University of Michigan’s Museum of Zoology site that provides a searchable encyclopedia of animal natural history, distribution, classification and conservation biology facilitating
inquiry driven learning where students can learn the biology of species and share their work worldwide.
ARKive Images of Life on Earth
A not-for-profit Wildscreen initiative, whose mission is to promote public understanding, appreciation and conservation of biodiversity. A unique collection of multimedia and fact-files that
houses free educational resources, online guides and Google Earth access.
Carnivore Ecology & Conservation
This is the personal home page of Guillaume Chapron. His site provides current and rigorous information to carnivore conservationists, scientists and concerned citizens in the form of
headlines, papers, theses, resources and knowledge in Ecology, Zoology, Conservation and more.
Anatomical Atlas of Flies
CSIRO built this site to accompany an identification key to fly families of Australia and the US NSF-funded research into the evolutionary history of flies. This standalone resource uses
high-resolution digital imaging for four major fly groups. Click on the CSIRO link to go to Australia’s national science agency.
Field Guides
eNature,com provides comprehensive searches of Wildlife Guides to more than 5,500 species in North America. Birding guides, sky guides, articles, mammal tracks, zip guides, endangered
species, gardening, wildlife lists, Ask an Expert and even send eCards.
North American Mammals
The Smithsonian Institution presents ways to search for mammals. Use a Map Search of North America, a Search by Species Name, or Family Tree, or Conservation Status or Special Collections
using skulls, bone and teeth images. Download lesson plans and Map Tutor for using Google Earth.
All About Birds
Cornell Lab of Ornithology site that provides basics for first timers, online guides for bird identification, gear guide, attracting birds, conservation and additional resources on bird
sounds, video, news, events and eBirds that permits tracking and reporting of birds.
Center for Insect Science
The University of Arizona site that provides lessons on the use of live insects as teaching models for elementary use called Using Live Insects in Elementary Classrooms for Early Lessons in
Life and for Grades 9-12 called Acres of Insects.
A database of behavioral and structural anatomy of Caenorhabditis elegans (C.elegans) that includes information on worm anatomy, fine structure, individual neurons, cell identification,
glossary, lineage tree, and other news, notes, images, and a worm community forum.
Jane Goodall Institute’s Center for Primate Studies
The University of Minnesota’s, Center for Primate Studies permits discovery of chimpanzees. Access information, videos, sounds of chimps and those who research their behavior. Tour
Gombe or download activities to use in the classroom with additional links to resources.
Watch NOVA Online- Nature
View video clips or a selection on entire NOVA programs online. Teachers resources including classroom tools, activities, TV program descriptions, and interactives for students are also
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