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Bioethics Education Project (BEEP)
A Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol interactive site for secondary school science teachers. Resources highlight the moral, ethical, social, economic, environmental and
technological implications and application of biology using Case Studies, video clips, concept maps, thought experiments, assessments, lessons and more.
NWABR Ethics Primer
The Northwest Association for Biomedical Research (NWABR) provides downloadable interactive, classroom-friendly lessons for integrating ethical issues into a science classroom. Basic
background on ethics as a discipline, descriptions of major ethical theories, and a decision-making frameworks help students apply reasoned analysis to ethical issues.
Access Excellence-Teaching Bioethics
An Access Excellence Let’s Collaborate exploration of how bioethics can be incorporated into biology curricula with an outline of the process, suggested topics, syllabus for a year-long
course in bioethics, text and online resources and videos.
Action Bioscience: Why Teach Ethics
An Actionbioscience.org article that highlights considerations for teachers with learn-more links to bioethics in medical education, ethical decision making and others.
Bioethics Education Project (BEEP)
A Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol interactive site for secondary school science teachers. Resources highlight the moral, ethical, social, economic, environmental and
technological implications and application of biology using Case Studies, video clips, concept maps, thought experiments, assessments, lessons and more.
NWABR Ethics Primer
The Northwest Association for Biomedical Research (NWABR) provides downloadable interactive, classroom-friendly lessons for integrating ethical issues into a science classroom. Basic
background on ethics as a discipline, descriptions of major ethical theories, and a decision-making frameworks help students apply reasoned analysis to ethical issues.
Access Excellence-Teaching Bioethics
An Access Excellence Let’s Collaborate exploration of how bioethics can be incorporated into biology curricula with an outline of the process, suggested topics, syllabus for a year-long
course in bioethics, text and online resources and videos.
Action Bioscience: Why Teach Ethics
An Actionbioscience.org article that highlights considerations for teachers with learn-more links to bioethics in medical education, ethical decision making and others.
Bioethics at the NIH
The NIH Clinical Center’s Department of Bioethics addresses policy issues, offers education and clinical services and develops research projects to advance and inform public policy
debate. This link provides Bioethics resources on the ethics of human subjects research, health policy and genetics.
Hastings Center Bioethics Forum
The Hastings Center provides diverse commentary on issues in bioethics from a range of perspectives.
The American Journal of Bioethics Web site provides access to their Journal, Features like Bioethics for Beginners, Bioethics on MSNBC, NBC’s ER, Genetics & Bioethics, multiple
article topics on bioethical issues, jobs & events, a bioethics Blog and Forum.
Bioethics Resources on the Web
The National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature at the Joseph and Rose Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University provides links to directories, electronic Journals,
full-text documents, news/current awareness and teaching resources.
Ethical, Legal & Social Issues (ELSI)
The US Department of Energy and National Institute of Health Human Genome Project Information site provides information about Ethical/Legal Issues, Medicine, Education, Gene Gateway, Research
Archive, Gene Testing, Gene Therapy, Genetic Counseling, Pharmacogenomics and Disorders.
Ethics Networks
The European Commission page on pan-European and International organizations specializing in the ethical aspects of the life sciences, biotechnology, agriculture, food safety and health. Find
policy and legislation database, current issues and more.
Online Bioethics Resources
The National Human Genome Research Institute provides research, health, genetics education and online careers and training resources from NHGRI, NIH, DHHS, DOE and others.
http://bioethics.gov">President's Council on Bioethics
The Council’s site provides information on topics of concern, reports, transcripts, background materials and the opportunity to read reports on ethical issues that arise from advances
in biotechnology and biomedical science.
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