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Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The home page of the EPA where you can link to EnviroQ, electricity and watershed searches, careers, grants, contracts, content for Youth (Elementary, Middle and High School), current
multimedia, blog, question of the week and more resources.
An EPA downloadable model for aquatic systems that is used to simulate, evaluate and predict pollutants and their effects on the ecosystem.
EPA Educational Materials
Resources for K-12 teachers to assist students in how to make a difference in regards to the waste we generate in schools, homes and communities.
Environmental Education (EE)
The EPA provides information about EE Grants, Fellowships, Educator Training Programs, Youth Awards and a portal to sites for educational resources from Pre-K to 12 and much more.
Wastes: Non-Hazardous Waste and Municipal Solid Waste
This EPA site provides information about landfills, waste combusters, transfer stations with links to source reduction, recycling and composting.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
The official home site providing news, missions, multimedia on the topics of the shuttle, Moon and Mars, Solar System, Universe, Aeronautics, Earth, Technology, NASA in your life, NASA
people, NASA history and more.
NASA Earth
A NASA site that features in-depth Earth topics like Global Climate change, hurricane, fire and smoke resources, and latest features on temperature, pre-existing conditions and more.
NASA Earth Observatory
A NASA site that contains an image of the day, global maps, satellite imagery, hands on educational activities and much more scientific data about Earth.
NASA for Educators
This site replaces SETI in addressing the questions, where did we come from and are we alone? Formal and informal education is addressed with a For Scientists section.
NASA Astrobiology (Life in the Universe)
The official Web site for the NASA Astrobiology Programs that provides a 2008 Roadmap for addressing how does life begin and evolve, does life exist elsewhere in the universe and what is the
future of life on Earth and beyond?
Ozone Hole Watch
A NASA site that contains a check on the latest status of the ozone layer over the South Pole including historical ozone maps, meteorology, ozone facts, multimedia and education.
National Parks Service (NPS)
NPS.gov provides access to all US Parks, history and culture, nature and science with a for kids and teacher section. Find all varieties of park in every state in the nation.
Everglades Information Network
The NPS offers resources for teachers and students with access to the nature and science of the animals, plants, environmental factors, natural features and ecosystems of the everglades.
The NPS offers teachers and students concept based educational resources about Alaska's national parks that are linked to the national standards.
Views of the National Parks
This program presents the natural, cultural, and historical resources of our national parks. Explore Badlands, Grand Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains, Pu uhonua o Honaunau, Caves, Glaciers,
Sonoran Desert, Volcanism, Wilderness and others. Teacher's Lounge provides DVD-ROM version for classroom use.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
NOAA’s Ocean Service Education Service provided tutorials for grades 6-12, case studies, and Estuaries 101 Curriculum, photos, videos, an online encyclopedia of the National Marine
Sanctuaries and educational gaming project, and much more.
National Weather Service
The Climate Prediction Center allows for easy location of six to ten day and seasonal forecasts with seasonal outlooks and El Nino and La Nina advisories.
United States Department of Agriculture(USDA)
The Education and Outreach Section spotlights research, productivity, plants database, outreach activities, National Scholars Program, Soil Education, Agricultural Thesaurus, Extension
Disaster Education Network along with a collection of materials for teachers.
National Invasive Species Information Center
This USDA site is the gateway to invasive species information covering federal, state, local and international sources. Browse by geography or subject such as aquatic species, plants,
animals, microbes, economic impacts, etc.
United States Forest Service
This site emphasizes climate change, water and kids in the woods. Teachers can find information on what the Forest Service’s Research and Development program is doing about climate
change in their region.
United States Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Find a summary of all the NOAA programs or activities based in or focused on your state.
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
NOAA provides news, calendar of events, education, sanctuary to educate the public about the marine environment surrounding the Keys.
United States Fish & Wildlife Service
USFWS provides information about invasive species, news and resources, what you can do, laws and regulations, invasive species activities, programs and more.
CARBONO website
The CARBONO project is a long-term landscape-scale monitoring of tropical rain forest productivity and dynamics. The website is maintained by the Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS) as a
collaboration between CARBONO researchers and OTS. The site features a variety of information, including sections on history, design and results to date are written in fairly plain English
and should be understandable to any biology teacher or college student. Metadata is freely available for use and the publications section has freely downloadable links to the ~ 100
publications to date from the project.
Earth Day Network
The Earth Day Network's Educators’ Network is a free tool connecting over 25,000 educators with hundreds of environmental education curricula and resources.
Earth Force
Earth Force engages young people as active citizens by providing middle school educators with the training and support they need to create an engaging, hands-on classroom that empowers
students to solve environmental problems.
Environmental Literacy Council
A comprehensive online collection of research and teaching resources for K-12 environmental studies on air quality, biogeochemical cycles, climate, weather, ecosystems, energy, environment
and society, food, and land use.
A Norwegian UN Association interactive world atlas map tool aimed at secondary schools, high schools and colleges across disciplines to create an understanding for similarities and
differences in human societies as well as how we influence life on the planet. Statistics on climate, environment, energy, population, health, technology, water and more can be
Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History
A non-profit organization whose research link makes available considerable information and photos of birds, plant and fungi inventories, animal inventories, ecological investigations, and
other research of value to teachers, students and the community.
National Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
An environmental action group that provides news on global warming, energy, air, oceans, water,wildlands, wildlife, health, environmental justice, US law and policy, nuclear energy, waste and
weapons, smart growth, recycling, international issues, green living, multimedia and more on six priority goals to curb global warming, save endangered species, build clean energy, revive the
world’s oceans, stem the tide of toxic chemicals and accelerate the greening of China.
Open Directory Project(dmoz)
Human-edited Science: Environment: Education directory of the Web constructed and maintained by a community of volunteer editors.
Teacher's Domain: Reconnecting with your Environment
Many people, especially those who are part of a Native community, continue to find their identity, their culture, and important life lessons in the landscapes and seascapes they call home.
Native knowledge emerges from observations and experiences in these environments. In this activity, you will listen to what people who are deeply connected to the land talk about what they
are experiencing, have the opportunity to connect, or reconnect, with your surroundings. This will help you teach topics such as climate change in a more meaningful way. You will keep a
journal to track your experience, and keep classroom-planning notes to develop successful activities for your students.
An Inconvenient Truth
Calculate your personal impact and learn how you can take action to reduce or even eliminate your emissions of carbon dioxide
The Berkeley Institute of the Environment
The University of California at Berkeley Carbon Footprint Calculator
Global Footprint Network
An international network of 90-plus Footprint practitioners that provide a Web site with a Footprint Calculator, Footprint Basics, Footprint Science, and more.
Household Emissions Calculator
The EPA site uses an online calculator to get a rough “ballpark” estimate of your personal or family’s greenhouse gas emissions and to explore the impact of taking various
actions to reduce your emissions.
The International Student Carbon Footprint Challenge (ISCFC)
Student-oriented footprint calculator measures the impact of their transportation, home energy, food, and personal purchase choices, with results calibrated for every country in the world
The Nature Conservancy
Measure your impact on climates by determining an estimate of how many tons of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases your choices create each year.
Center for Environmental Education (CEE)
An international resource center and clearinghouse for environmental education that works with K-122 schools to address climate change issues. Find an online resource, Blueprint for a
Green School, news, a Curriculum library and services to bring green qualities to the forefront.
Global Warming Effects Map
A Web site designed by the Union of Concerned Scientists and the World Resources Institute that provides a list of scientific resources, with a color poster, and curriculum guide to accompany
the science based world map depicting the local and regional consequences of global climate change. Click on For Educators.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The EPA’s Web site on Climate Change provides basic information, Science, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Health and Environmental Effects, initiatives, US Climate Policy, Climate Economics,
What You Can Do and other resources.
Greenhouse Gas Online
A site maintained by Dave Reay, PhD and lecturer in carbon management at the University of Edinburgh addresses greenhouse gas science, climate change, news, a book on a Kids’ Guide to
Going Green and more.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
NOAA Web site with the most frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) concerning Greenhouse Gases.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The EPA’s Web site on Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Fluorinated Gases includes gas inventories , emission trends and projections, methodologies, and more.
World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases (WDCGG)
This Web site provides information on greenhouse gases, publications and measurement data contributed by organizations and individual researchers around the world.
The Nature Conservancy
The site addresses protecting native plants and animals with information about the threat and impact of invasive species, what you can do, science based solutions, and more. Check the
Site Map for additional resources.
Invasive Species Information Node (ISIN)
National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) is a data management portal for invasive plants, animals, and pathogens in the US coordinating invasive species information from other
nodes and USGS Science Centers.
Environmental Inquiry (EI)
A Cornell University and Penn State University website that promotes authentic scientific research for High School students. There is a collection of ideas and resources with
downloadable specific research protocols that facilitate interactive research projects.
Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE)
A worldwide, hands-on, primary and secondary school based science and education program that promotes and supports student, teacher and scientist collaborations on inquiry-based
investigations of the environment and Earth Systems.
The Educational Technology Center at Kennesaw State University web site listing of research/Informational sites, online activities/lesson plans, offline lesson plans, offline activities,
online projects, and more on recycling.
Recycling Lesson Plans
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection site contains K-12 lesson plans to illustrate a variety of recycling concepts on waste, litter, classroom paper recycling, composting,
motor oil and unwrapping packaging. Click here for the PA DEP's search results for "Teacher Resources."
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Theme Page
A collection of links to Internet sites that contain information or other related links specific to the topic of recycling.
Teach Engineering Resources for K-12
Design a Recycling Game where students come up with alternative uses for used products. Additional curricular units, lessons and activities for K-12 teachers on a variety of topics are
shown for primary and secondary teachers.
Trash Goes to School
The Cornell Waste Management Institute presents K-12 resource provides solid waste background information, activities, ideas on how to integrate solid waste issues into multiple
subjects plus grade level glossaries.
National Recycling Coalition
The NRC is a nonprofit advocacy group that focuses on waste reduction, ruse and recycling in North America. A map of state and regional recycling organizations provide a network to
address public policy advocacy and public education.
The Paper Industry Association Council maintains this site with information for teachers on paper and paper recycling including interactive features, statistics and a step-by-step guide for
developing or improving a recycle program at your school.
Recycled Plastic Products Directory
The Plastics Division of the American Chemistry Council and the Environment and Plastics Industry Council of Canada web site presents K-12 resources for students and teachers including a
learning center with links to health safety, environment and sustainability content.
U.S. Green Schools Foundation
The For Educators section of their sit highlights curriculum on sustainability, green building principles, renewable energy and recycling.
Your Comprehensive Recycling Resource Library
A full page of links with instructions on how to recycle almost everything from household materials to constructions zone disposal.
Northeast Sustainability Energy Association (NESEA)
NESEA’s K-12 Education Department offers several educational materials including curriculum guides, hands on activities and other resources on energy, natural history/natural science
and transportation for various grade levels.
The Green Schools Initiative
Downloadable MS-Word files and links on reducing waste and recycling, protecting forests, reducing paper waste, and buying recycled, saving energy, reducing a school’s carbon footprint
and facing the future: people and the planet.
U.S. Green Building Council
A list of K-12 Resources on best practices, models and case studies from multiple, credible sources for those interested in sustainability curricula, building green schools and or
implementing sustainable practices and initiatives at their school.
US Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development
The K-12 and Teacher Education portion of the site provides the National Sustainability Education Standards along with an Annotated Resource List , Teaching Resources from an extensive list
of links, ESD links, Sustainability Issues, Online Networking and more.
Project WET
A nonprofit water education program and publisher that provides materials and lesson plans, courses, seminars and workshops for water education providers, a global water education delivery
network to reach children through educators and more.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water
EPA Web site that provides regional information on an interactive map along with topics on ground water and drinking water, water science, wastewater management, wetlands, oceans and
watersheds, American Indian Environmental Office and more.
Water on the Web (WOW)
Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), this site contains a Basic Science Curriculum for high school and first year college students to learn basic science through hands on
activities and state-of-the-art Data visualization tools accessible through the site and a Water Science Curriculum for second year technical or undergraduate programs. Using real data, maps,
lessons and more.
Water Science for Schools
The U.S. Geological Survey’s Water Science for Schools Web site that offers information on many aspects of water along with pictures, data, maps, and an interactive center to give
opinions and test your water knowledge.
A University of Arizona Geosciences site that features classic biomes complete with characteristic photos and descriptions of climate and biota. Multiple links to locations that characterize
the biota of that biome are included.
Biomes of the World
A Marietta College Department of Biology and Environmental Science Web Site with links to information about Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification, succession, competition, acid rain,
symbiosis, predation, and keystone species.
Major Biomes of North America
A Palomar College Site called Wayne’s Word that explores the Arctic & Alpine Tundra, Taiga, Prairie, Deciduous Forest, Desert, Tropical Rain Forest, Urban Sprawl, Adaptations Links,
Ecological Principles and photos of adaptations.
The Encyclopedia of Earth
An electronic reference about the Earth, it’s natural environments and their interaction with society. The sit is a searchable collection of articles written by experts with
collaboration and review. This section is all about biomes and other ways of classifying habitats and communities. Further links are provided.
The World's Biomes
The University of California Museum of Paleontology site featuring six major biome types including freshwater, marine, desert, forest, grassland and tundra.
Where You Live?
The Missouri Botanical Garden Web site that presents six classic biomes of the world, freshwater ecosystems along with three marine ecosystems. A special section on the biology of
plants is included.
Windows to the Universe
A University Corporation for Atmospheric Research learning system written in three reading levels approximating elementary, middle school and high school reading levels on the topic of Biomes
and Ecosystems.
Secrets of the Ice
A Museum of Science, Boston site about Exploring Antacrctica, Ice Core Research, Scientific Expedition, with educational resources in books, videos and additional Web Resources.
The Bay Classroom
Save the Bay site featuring Bay issues & Solutions, Bay Basics, Bay History, Bay Quiz, a Save the Bay’s Watershed Curriculum, Introduction to the Estuary with a Creature Feature and
volunteer opportunities for students in the area.
The Bridge
A National Marine Educators Association site featuring “an ocean of free teacher-approved marine education resources. Find information on ocean science topics, lesson plans, research
& data connections, professional development, Jean-Michel Ocean Adventures, Estuaries 101, Google Earth: Ocean and more.
Marine Biology
MarineBio is a nonprofit organization staffed by volunteer marine biologists to share inspiring marine science education, research and a sea ethic. Explore marine species, ocean
conservation, ocean chemistry, marine life, global warming, sustainable fisheries, endangered species, habitat conservation, eco-tourism, alien species and much more.
Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS)
A Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey site and project of the Census of Marine Life that allows you to explore data on locations of Marine Animals and Plants and obtain data tables,
maps and predict distributions using environmental information.
Records for Marine Animals
Assembled by VetTechSchool.org, this page lists top online resources for information about marine wildlife. Links are available to help you find data on your favorite whales, fish,
crustaceans and marine vegetation.
Sea Grant
A NOAA university based program in support of coastal resource use and conservation. Start at the Site Map to explore news and events, national sea grant colleges, research, outreach
and education, themes and national priorities like aquaculture, biotechnology, coastal communities, economies, hazards, ecosystems, seafood science and more.
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