Do you have a unique example of a curricular framework that you use in a specific course? Please contact Four-Year-College webmaster if you
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Course Syllabi
General Biology for Elementary Education Majors
A class of 60 Elementary Education Majors who are required to take General Biology for teaching. Course deals with preservice education. Contains methods material.
BIOL 1114 Introductory Biology
A large enrollment general-education (i.e. mixed-majors) introductory biology course with an innovative format at a comprehensive, land-grant, institution
Multimedia Education Resource for Learning and Online Teaching. Donald French, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, Oklahoma State University
Teaching Tips
Bioenergetics (Photosynthesis and Cell Respiration)
A Multimedia program that helps students grasp the dynamic action that takes place in both the mitochondria and chloroplasts. Dr. John M. Moore, Associate Professor and Department Chair,
Department of Biology, Taylor University.
How to's
-- Help grading, TA manual, teaching students to read the literature etc.