Quantitative Biology at Community Colleges (QB@CC) is a National Science Foundation (NSF)
supported project with the long-term goal of using biology courses to significantly enhance students' quantitative skills. QB@CC does this by providing educational
materials and professional development for faculty.
We’re excited to announce that QB@CC has the opportunity to support teachers attending the 2023 NABT Conference for the first
First-Timer Mini-Grants (5 available)
Open to instructors at the two-year college level attending the NABT Conference in Baltimore for the first time, the mini-grant will cover conference registration fees, one year of NABT
membership, and up to $500 in associated expenses, including to cover subs/TAs, childcare, travel costs, or other related expenses.
Part-time/adjunct faculty teaching at two-year colleges are highly encouraged to apply.
Required application materials include:
Professional profile or current CV.
Short essay (< 1000) describing the importance of professional development and how attending the NABT Conference will enhance your teaching practice. Please include why
meeting your specific need is necessary to participate in the conference.
Selected applicants will also be required to attend one of two QB@CC workshops at the 2023 NABT
Professional Development Conference in Baltimore to receive the honorarium, which will be paid after attendance is confirmed.
The application deadline is 11:59 PM Pacific Time on Tuesday, September 5th.