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Sarah Ainsworth 00
General Studies Dept.
Baptist College of Health Sciences
e-mail: Sarah.ainsworth@bchs.edu
Kip Anastasion 91,93
University of British Columbia
Richard Audet 93,94,95,96
Education Department
Rober Williams University
e-mail: rha@alpha.rwu.edu
Vernon L. Auita, PhD 92
Biology Department
San Diego State University
Davinderjit K. Bagga 91,92,94,95,96,97,99,00
Biology/ Chemistry
University of Montevallo
e-mail: baggad@um.montevallo.edu
Neil Baird 96
Department of Biology
Millikin University
Robert Ballard 00
Department of Biological Sciences
Clemson University
Carla Barnwell 94
Urbana, IL 61801
William E. Barstow 98,99
Botany Dept.
University of Georgia
e-mail: barstow@dogwood.botany.uga.edu
Linda Bataskov 98
1921 Maymeadow Ln
e-mail: bataskov@bio.fsu.edu
Phyllis Baudoin-Griffard 95,96
Louisiana State University
e-mail: griffardp@aol.com
Evelyn Becker 90,91
St Louis College of Pharmacy
Jerry Beilby 93,94,97,99,00
Norwestern College
e-mail: jpb@nwc.edu
John F. Belshe 90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99
Biology Department
Central Misouri State University
e-mail: jbelshe@iland.net
Sharolyn Belzer 96,97,98,99,00
Department of Biological Sciece
Idaho State University
e-mail: belzshar@isu.edu
Elizabeth L. Bennett 96,00
Department of Biology, Box 81
Georgia College and State University
e-mail: ebennett@mail.gac.penchnet.edu
Carol Bernson 91,92
393 Morrill hall
Urbana, IL 61801
e-mail: Carol_Bernson@qms1.life.uiuc.educommittee
Bud Bertino 99
e-mail: bertinob@epix.net
Robert V. Blystone 92,99
Dept of Biology
Trinity University
e-mail: RBLYSTON@Trinity.edu
Laura M. Borden 98
Western Illinois University
Dept. of Biological Sciences
e-mail: lm-borden@wiv.edu
Dena Bradham 99
Tirnton High School
e-mail: dbradham@harentt.K12.nc.us
Dr. James A. Brennerman 96
e-mail: JB45@evansville.edu
Lynda A. Britton 98
SU Medical Center
email: lbritt1@lsumc.edu
Evert Brown 92
Casper College, Life Science Division
Gil Brum 91,94
Dept. of Biological Science
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
e-mail: GDBRUM@CSUPomona.edu
Art Buikema 00
Department of Biology (0406)
Virginia Tech.
e-mail: buik@vt.edu
Beth Burch 00
Huntington College
Huntington, IN 46750
e-mail: Bburch@huntington.edu
Gail D. Burd 98
University of Arizona
Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Life Sci, SO-444
e-mail: gburd@u.arizona.edu
Stephen Burton 98, 99
Idaho State University
Dept. of Biological Sciences
e-mail: burtstep@isu.edu
Jimmie Bush 92,93,94,95,96,97,99
Chicago State University
Sunny Buttles 91,92,93,96, 99
Our Lady of the Lake University
e-mail: www.nabt.org/sub/4yearcollege/butth@lake.ollusa.edu or sun1@msn.com
Rita Calvo 99,00
Ithaca, NY 14850
e-mail: rac7@cornell.edu
Gail Carmack 99
The University of Texas
e-mail: Carmack@mail.utexas.edu
Jack Carter 90,91,93
Colorado College
Betty Carvellas 99
e-mail: bcarvellas@ejhs.k12.vt.us
Susan Chase 92
Saint Mary College
H.K. Chaudhari 97
Florida Memorial College
e-mail: chaudhri@lions.fmc.edu
Dr. Abour H. Cherif 97,99
Science Department
Columbia College Chicago
Lisa M. Cobb 97
Department of Biology
Ouachita Baptist University
e-mail: cobbl@alpha.obu.edu
Donna Counterman 91,93
1413 Third Avenue
Berwick, PA 18603
(717) 759-8891 home
Robert Creek 90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,00
Dept. of Biology
Eastern Kentucky Univ.
e-mail biocreek@acs.eku.edu
Donald Cronkite 97, 99,00
Biology Department
Hope College
e-mail: cronkite@hope.edu
Chris Cullos 97
Department of Biology
e-mail: cacs@po.cusu.edu
Laura Cummings 92
Biology Dept. Cooper Life Science
Ball State Univ.
Muncie, IN 47306
Roy Darville 91
East Texas Baptist University
R. Dean Decker (Retired) 90,91,92,93,94,95,96
Biology Dept.
University of Richmond
e-mail: decker@urvax.urich.edu
Jean DeSaix 90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,00
Dept. of Biology, Coker Hall CB#3280
University of NC at Chapel Hill
e-mail: jdesaix@email.unc.edu
John H. Dustman 90,91,92,93,94,95,96
Indiana Univ. NW
e-mail: jdustman@iunhaw1.iun.indiana.edu
Todd T. Eckdahl 94,95,96,97
e-mail: eckdahl@griffon.mwsc.edu
Betty Eidemiller 97
Jane Ellis 96, 98,99,00
Department of Biology
Presbyterian College
e-mail: jellis@cs1.presby.edu
Bob Ford 90,91
Biology Department
Ball State University
David Foster 99
Messiah College
e-mail: Dfoster@messiah.edu
David J. Fox 90,91
Department of Zoology
University of Tennessee
Donald P. French 94,95,96,97,99
Department of Zoology
Oklahoma State University
e-mail: DFRENCH@okstate.edu
Josh Frost 00
Benjamin Cummings University
e-mail: Josh.frost@aol.com
Doug Gaffin 99
Dept. of Zoology
University of Oklahoma
e-mail: ddgaffin@ou.edu
Kathy Gallucci 97,99
Elon College
e-mail: gallucci@elon.edu
John K. Gapter (deceased 1999) 90,91,92,93,94,96,97
Arts & Sciences
University of Northern Colorado
e-mail: nkgapte@unco.edu
David Garrisin 97
Wadsworth Publishing Company
e-mail: davegarrisin@wadsworth.com
Steven Gilbert 91
Oakland University
Gordon Godshalk 97
Environmental Studies
Alfred University
e-mail: godshalk@bigvax.alfred.edu
Steven Goldman 00
Adelphi University
Harvey Good 98,99
Biology Department Chair
University of LaVerne
Nancy Goodfellow 97
Saint Xavier U
e-mail: goodfellow@sxu.edu
Sandy Gottfried-Alters 90,91,92,93,94
Biology Dept.
Univ. of Missouri-St. Louis
Lisa Gottschalk 99
McGraw Hill Publishers
e-mail: lisa_gottschalk@msgraw-hill.com
Dawn Grant 91
East Texas Baptist University
Margarit Gray 93,95,96,97,98,99
Dept of Biology
Erskine College
e-mail: gray@erskine.edu
Eileen Gregory 98,99,00
Dept. of Biology
Rollins College
e-mail: egregory@rollins.edu
Phyllis Baudoin Griffard 95,96,99
Dept. of Natural Sciences
University of Houston-Downtown
e-mail: griffardp@zeus.dt.uh.edu
Gretel Guest 00
University of Georgia
e-mail: Gretel@dogwood.botany.uga.edu
Peggy J. Guthrie, Ph.D. 92,93
Biology Dept.
University of Central OK.
Janice Haldeman 93,95,96,97,98,99,00
Department of Biology
Erskine College
e-mail: Haldeman@erskine.edu
Mary Halton 99, 00
Endicott College
e-mail: mhatton@endicott.edu
Nan Hampton 99
School of Biological Sciences
University of Texas
e-mail: enhampton@mail.utexas.edu
Becky Halyard 98
Clayton College and State University
e-mail: rebeccahalyar@mail.clayton.edu
Pat Hauslein 99
ST. Cloud State University
e-mail: hauslein@stcloudstate.edu
Sue Harley 93
Department of Botany
Weber State University
Jon R. Hendrix 90,91,92,93,94,95,97,99
Ball State Univ. Bio Dept.
e-mail: JonH49@IQUEST.Net
Les Hickok 00
Department of Botany
University of Tennessee
e-mail: lhickok@utk.edu
David R. Hill 90,91,97
Biology Department
Belmont College
Jerry Hinkly 90,91,00
College of Lake Co.
e-mail: Jhinkley@ck.cc.il.us
Marielle Hoefnagels 99
Dept. of Botany & Microbiology/Zoology
University of Oklahoma
e-mail: hoefnagels@ou.edu
Brian Hoffman 96,97, 98
Department of Biology
Park College
e-mail: bhoffman@mail.park.edu
Dr. Robert Holtz 91,92
Concordia College
Terry L. Hufford 90,91,92,93,94,96,97,98,99,00
Dept. of Bio. Sciences
The George Washington State University
e-mail: tlh@gwu.edu
Sarjata Jerma 97
Anatomy & Physiology
Columbia College Chicago
e-mail: scerma@popmail.comum.edu
Marion Johnson 97
Saint Zavier University
e-mail: johnson@sxu.edu
Norma G. Johnson 96
Department of Biology - CB #3280
e-mail: ngjohnso@email.unc.edu
Terrance L. Johnson 90,91
Dept. of Biology, Coker Hall #3280
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC
Jann Joseph 99
Grand Valley State University
Monica Neset Joslin, Ph.D.
Dept. of Biology
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
North Adams, MA 01247
Florence Juillerat 90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99
E-Mail: fjuiller@iupui.edu
John R. Jungck 90,91,92,94
Dept. of Biology
Beloit College
e-mail: jungck@beloit.edu
Dr. Chris L. Kapicka 94
NNC, Biology Department
e-mail: CLKAPICKA@Science.NNC.edu
Arnold J Karpoff 96
Department of Biology
University of Louisville
e-mail: ajkarp0i@homer.louisville.edu
Phillis Katz 99,00
Endicott College
e-mail: pkatz@endicott.edu
Bob Keck 00
e-mail: Rkeck@iupui.edu
Graham Kent 96,97,98
Biology Department
Smith College
e-mail: gkent@science.smith.edu
Sandra J. Kerr 91
Kent State Stark Campus
Keith I. King 92
Cordley Hall 2042
Oregon State University
Robert J. Krasner 91
Department of Biology
Providence College
Dr. William Kroen 96,99,00
Department of Biology
Wesley College
e-mail: kroenwi@mail.wesley.edu
Victor Kuzevanov 00
Botanic Garden, Director
Faculty of Biology, Asst. Prof.
e-mail: Vic@bogard.isu.ru
Sandy Latourelle 00
e-mail: Latoursm@together.net
Janis Lariviere 99
University of Texas at Austin
e-mail: Jlariviere@mail.utexas.edu
Ivo E. Lindauer 90,91,92,93,94,95,96,98,99,00
Department of Biological Science Emeritus
University of Northern Colorado
e-mail: IVO38@aol.com
Louise Livo 97
Coalition for Education in the Life Sciences
UW Madison
e-mail: cels@macc.wisc.edu
Tom Lord 00
Biology Department
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
e-mail: T.R.Lord@Grove.IUP.edu
David A. Lovejoy 99
Dept. of Biology
e-mail: dlovejoy@wisdom.wsc.mass.edu
President 1995
Ann S. Lumsden 90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99
Department of Biological Science
Florida State University
e-mail: lumsden@bio.fsu.edu
Steve Lynch 00
Biological Science
LSU Shreveport
e-mail: Slynch@pilot.lsus.edu
Stephen R. Madigosky 91
Dept. of Biology
Widener University
Jim Makowski 99
Dept. of Natural Sciences
Messiah College
Carl H. Malmgreu, II 92
Univ. of Illinois
Don Mansfield 98,00
Biology Department
Albertson College of Idaho
e-mail: Dmansfield@albertson.edu
Dr. Michael H. Marcovitz 92,99
Midland Lutheran College
Dick Mariscal 00
Department of Biological Science
Florida State University
e-mail: Mariscal@bio.fsu.edu
Pat Marsteller 90,91
Biology Dept.
Emory University
e-mail: pmars@learnlink.emory.edu
Victoria May 99
Washington University
e-mail: may@biology.wustl.edu
Robert McGuire 90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,00
Retired from:
University of Montevallo
e-mail: Rf_gm_Mc@bellsouth.net
David McIntosh 94
3401 SE Harvay Rd.
Bartlesville, OK 74006
Larry McKane 91
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Dept. of Biological Science
J. Philip McLared 98
East Nazarene College
e-mail: mclaredp@enc.edu
E. Barbara Meyer 91,92
Computer assissted instruction specialist
Univ. of Illinois
Jay Meyers 96
12395 Co. Road 360
St. Joseph, MO 64505
e-mail: Jay.Meyers@sjsd.K12.MO.US
Melissa Michael 94
Urbana, Illinois
e-mail: melissa-michael@gms1.life.uiuc.edu
James E. Miller 92,93,94,95,96,97,00
Biology Dept.
Delaware Valley College
e-mail: millerj@devalcol.edu
Michael Mix 93
Biology Program
Oregon State University
e-mail mixm@bcc.oust.edu
David Molea 98,99
Physiology and Biophysics
University of Washington
e-mail: molea@u.washington.edu
Cynthia J. Moore 93,94,99
Biology Department
Illinois State University
e-mail: cjmoor1@ilstu.edu
John M. Moore 92,93,94,95,96,99,00
Taylor University
e-mail: jhmoore@tayloru.edu
Michael Muc 96
Department of Biology
Augustana University College
Darrel Murray 96,97
University of IL at Chicago
e-mail: dmurray@vic.edu
Brian Norton 97
Union University
Department of Biology
e-mail: bnorton@buster.uu.edu
Tom O'Brien 00
Binghamton University (SUNY)
Dennis Opheim 98
Quinmipiac College
e-mail: opheim@quimmipiac.edu
Lawton Owen 93,94
Department of Biology
Kansas Wesleyan University
James E. Parsons 93
102 Hartline Science Center
Bloomsburg University
e-mail: parsons@mercury.bloomu.edu
or parsons@bf486.bloomu.edu
Mary Lou Peltier 94
Olympia, WA 98503
Mary Lou Percy 92
Austin, TX 78727
Paula A. Piehl 91,92,93,94,96,97,00
Biology Department
Potomac State College of WVU
e-mail: ppiehl@wvu.edu
Lee Pierce 91
Univ. Maryland
Helen K. Pigage 92
Department of Biology
USAF Academy 80840-6299
e-mail: pigageHK%DFB%USAFA@dfmail4.usafa.af.mil
Jeff Port 00
Ottawa University
e-mail: Port@ottawa.edu
Judy B. Powell 99
North Carolina State University
e-mail: Judy_Powell@ncsu.edu
Donald R. Ramage 91
School of Sciences
Belmont College
Ralph Rascati 00
Department of Biology and Physics
Kennesaw State University
e-mail: rrascati@kennesaw.edu
Patrick Reidy 99,00
e-mail: patrick_reidy@mcgraw-hill.com
Maren Reiner 98,00
Universtiy of Richmond
Department of Biology Rm E-105
e-mail: mreiner@richmond.edu
Robert J. Reinsvold 93, 98, 99
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Northern Colorado
e-mail: rjreins@bentley.unco.edu
Stanley Rice 99
Biological Sciences
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Linda D. Roberson 96
Department of Biology
Lipscomb University
e-mail: robersonld@dlu.edu
Laurel Roberts
University of Pittsburgh
Sherilyn L. Robison 98
Department of Biology
Albertson College of Idaho
e-mail: srobison@acofi.edu
Bill Rogers 90,91,97,99,00
Department of Biology
Ball State University
e-mail: wrogers@gw.bsu.edu
Frank A. Romano 91
Department of Biology
Jacksonville State University
Nidah Rose 99,00
Harcourt/Saunders College Publishing
Philadelphia, PA 19106
John Rushin 90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,00
Missouri Western St. College
e-mail: rushin@griffon.mwsc.edu
Connie Russell 97,98,99,00
Dept. of Biology
e-mail: Connie.Russell@angelo.edu
Nancy Sanders 99
Truman State University
Division of Science
E-Mail: nsanders@truman.edu
Gerry Saunders 97
University of Northern Colorado
e-mail: gwsaund@bentley.unco.edu
Georgianna Saunders 00
Biology Department
Southwest Missouri State University
e-mail: Gls294f@smsu.edu
Stephen Saupe 98,00
College of St. Benedict/St. John
Biology Department
e-mail: ssaupe@sbsju.edu
Phillip R. Shelp 92
Farmers Branch, TX
George Shiflet 92,93
Biology Department
Wofford College
e-mail Shifletgw@Wofford.edu
Mary A. Shimabuhuer 99,00
Dept. of Biology
Moorhead State University
e-mail: Shima@mhd1.moorhead.msus.edu
Linda Sigismondi 92
Math and Science Dept.
University of Rio Grande
William R. Sigmund 91
Department of Biology
Slippery Rock University
Bruce Simat, Ph.D. 94
Northwestern College
Linda Simpson 96
Department of Biology
e-mail: lmsimpso@unccvm.uncc.edu
L.C. "Chuck" Smith 99,00
Portland State University
e-mail: Smithl@psu4.pdx.edu
Mike U. Smith 93,96
Mercer University
School of Medicine
email: smith_mu@mercer.edu
Ronald L. Smith 92,93
University of Alaska
Biology and Wildlife Department
Rosemary Smith 99
Dept. of Biological Sciences
Idaho State University
e-mail: Smitrose@isu.edu
Susan P. Speece 90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,00
Dean, Math , Science, and Engineering
Fresno City College
email: sspeece@worldnet.att.net
Barbra Speziale 92,00
132 Long Hall
Clemson University **
e-mail: BJSPZ@Clemson.EDU
Matthew Staffier 00
Endicott College
e-mail: Mstaffie@endicott.edu
Carol Steele 92
Highlands Ranch
Barbara Stegenga 96
Department of Biology, CB #3280
e-mail: davidsoh.coker@mhs.unc.edu
June Steinberg 97
Scince Department
National-Louis University
Dr. Brad Stith
Associate Professor
University of Colorado-Denver
e-mail: bstith@carbon.cudenver.edu
for research/teaching info: see web site: http://www.cudenver.edu/~bstith
Richard Storey 90,91,94,96,97,98,99,00
Biology Dept.
Colorado College
e-mail: rstorey@coloradocollege.edu
Don Streubel 90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98
Dept. Biological Sciences
Idaho State Univ.
Pocatello, Idaho 83209
e-mail: STREDONA@isu.edu
David R. Stronck 93
Department of Teacher Education
California State University, Hayward
e-mail: dstronck@csuhayward.edu
Gerald Summers 90,91,92,93,94,96,97
Division of Biological Sciences
University of Missouri
e-mail: summers@biosci.mbp.missouri.edu
Marshall Sundberg 92,93,97
Dept. Botany
Emporia State University
e-mail: sundberg@esumail.emporia.edu
Cindy Surmacz 90,91,92,93
Dept. of Biological and Allied Health Sciences
Bloomsburg University
e-mail: surmacz@planetx.bloomu.edu
Lisa Taschenberger 00
Xenia, OH
Ken Taylor 00
Westfield State College
e-mail: JKTecol@mediaone.net
Marcy Thomas 98
Biology Department
Wellesley College
e-mail: mthomas@wellesley.edu
Judy Thorn 98
e-mail: thorn@niehs.nih.gov
Margaret Till 91,92,93
Dept. of Biological & Allied Health Services
Bloomsburg University
e-mail: till@planetx.bloomu.edu
Leslie P. Tolbert 98
ARL Division of Neurobiology
University of Arizona
e-mail: tolbert@neurobio.arizona.edu
Richard Tolma 92
Zoology Dept.
Brigham Young Univ.
Warren C. Tomkiewicsz 91
Natural Science Dept.
Plymouth State College
Lucia Tranel 90,91
St. Louis Col. of Pharmacy
Dr. Walter P. Trost 92,93,94,95,97
Biology Department
Chicago State University
Allen A.Tubbs 90,91
Alabama School of Mathematics and Sciences
Geraldine N. Twitty 99,
Dept. of Biology
Howard University
e-mail: gtwitty@fac.howard.edu
Dessie Underwood 98
Evolution and Ecology
University of California
Susan O. Van Loon 94,95
Our Lady of Holy Cross College
e-mail: qmqq55a@prodigy.com
Sujata Verma 99
Columbia College
e-mail: sverma@popmail.colum.edu
Dale Vogelien 00
Department of Biology
Kennesaw State University
Lauren Wentz 92
Bio. Dept.
Univ of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Charles R. Wert 91,92
Idaho State University
Andy Whipple 00
Department of Biology
Taylor University
e-mail: Anwhipple@tayloru.edu
Katie K. White 92
Brentwood, TN 37027
Sandra Winicur 90,91,92,97
Indiana Univ. South Bend
Dennis R. Wissing 96
Department of Cardiopulmonary Science
School of Allied Health Professions
LSU Medical Center
e-mail: dwissi@mail.sh.lsumc.edu
George and Judy Wolfe 99
e-mail: gjw13@aol.com
Robert Wolff 96
Trinity Christian College
e-mail: bob.wolff@trnty.edu
Mark L. Wygoda 96
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
McNeese State University
e-mail: mwygoda@mail.mcneese.edu
Dr. Donna Zanowiak 92,93
Department of Biology
Univ of Central Oklahoma
If you have comments or suggestions for the four-year college section, please contact Dr. John M. Moore publicity chair.
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