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Outstanding student members of an NABT BioClub are eligible for a textbook scholarship from Carolina Biological Supply Company.
Multiple students from each BioClub Chapter can be nominated, with students being graduating seniors or two-year college students who have been accepted to a two or four-year
college/university. In addition to the textbook scholarship, an award plaque will be presented to the students in May. This is a great way to recognize that exceptional student that inspires
you to be an even better biology teacher. Please see the NABT BioClub page for complete information. The application deadline is in March,
The Biology Educator Leadership Scholarship (BELS) program was established to encourage and support teachers who want to further their education in the life sciences or life science
education. The award recipient is required to be a practicing educator who is also enrolled (or anticipates enrolling) in a graduate program at Masters or Doctoral level. NABT members with
less than or equal to ten years of teaching experience are eligible. The BELS program is sponsored by NABT Members and includes a $5000 tuition assistance award, a plaque to be presented at
the NABT Professional Development Conference, and one year of complimentary membership to NABT. The nomination deadline is March 15th, annually. Online Nomination Form
NABT members and friends are invited to nominate outstanding scientists, science communicators, and educators to receive the NABT Distinguished Service Award, which was established in 1988 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Association. Nominees should be nationally recognized scientists who have made major contributions to biology education through their research, writing, and/or teaching. Recipients are honored at the NABT Professional Development Conference. In addition to the nomination form, please send (1) a written description of the candidate's qualifications and (2) a detailed biographical summary to office@nabt.org. Nominations are due by March 15th, annually. Online Nomination Form
Sponsored by Vernier Software & Technology, the Ecology/Environmental Science Teaching Award will be given to a secondary school teacher who has successfully developed and demonstrated an innovative approach in the teaching of ecology/environmental science and has carried their commitment to the environment into the community. Vernier's sponsorship of this award includes up to $500 toward travel to the NABT Professional Development Conference, and Vernier equipment. The recipient also receives a recognition plaque to be presented at the NABT Professional Development Conference and one year of complimentary membership to NABT. The nomination deadline is March 15th, annually. Online Nomination Form
The Evolution Education Award, sponsored by BSCS Science Learning and NCSE recognizes innovative classroom teaching and/or community education efforts to promote the accurate understanding of biological evolution. This award is presented to K-12 teachers in odd-numbered years and undergraduate and/or informal educators in even-numbered years. The award includes a combined $1,000 honorarium ($500 from each sponsor), a recognition plaque to be presented at the NABT Professional Development Conference, and one-year complimentary membership to NABT. The nomination deadline is March 15th, annually. Online Nomination Form
The NABT Excellence in Encouraging Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Award recognizes efforts to promote equity in life science education. The recipient/recipients demonstrate a passion and commitment for JEDI through their teaching and outreach while also identifying successful strategies that increase enthusiasm for biology in a way consistent with NABT’s position on Equity in Science Education. This award is open to individuals teaching at all levels, groups of teachers, and departments. Sponsored by NABT, this award includes a $500 honorarium, a recognition plaque to be presented at the NABT Professional Development Conference, and a one-year complimentary NABT membership. The nomination deadline is March 15th, annually. Online Nomination Form
This award, sponsored by NABT’s Four-Year College & University Section, recognizes creativity and innovation in undergraduate biology teaching. These innovations may include, but are not limited to, curriculum design, teaching strategies, and laboratory utilization; they must have been implemented and demonstrated to be effective. Additionally, award winners will agree to present their work at the NABT Conference. The award is open to NABT members and includes a $500 honorarium, recognition plaque to be presented at the NABT Professional Development Conference, and one-year complimentary membership to NABT. The nomination deadline is May 1st, annually. Online Nomination Form
This award, sponsored by NABT’s Four-Year College & University Section, recognizes creativity and innovation in research that furthers our understanding of undergraduate biology teaching and education. These innovations may include, but are not limited to, scholarship and research in biology education. Additionally, award winners will agree to present their work during the NABT Research Symposium at the NABT Conference. The award is open to NABT members and includes a $500 honorarium, recognition plaque to be presented at the NABT Professional Development Conference, and one-year complimentary membership to NABT. The nomination deadline is May 1st, annually. Online Nomination Form
Sponsored by NABT and the Genetics Society of America, the Genetics Education Award recognizes innovative, student-centered classroom instruction to promote the understanding of genetics and its impact on inheritance, health, and biological research. The award includes a combined $500 honorarium, a recognition plaque to be presented at the NABT Professional Development Conference, and one-year complimentary membership to NABT. The nomination deadline is March 15th, annually. Online Nomination Form
The highest honor bestowed by NABT, this award recognizes individuals who have "achieved distinction in teaching, research, or service in the biological sciences" for nomination as Honorary Members. Those selected become lifetime members of the Association and receive recognition in NABT publications and at the NABT Professional Development Conference. Nominations may be made by any NABT member and must include, in addition to the initial nomination, (1) a description of the candidate's qualifications, (2) a detailed biographical summary, and (3) supporting letters from at least nine NABT members in good standing. The nomination deadline is March 15th, annually. Online Nomination Form
The Jennifer Pfannerstill Travel Award is a scholarship program established to honor the memory of Jennifer Pfannerstill. Jen loved to "create novel opportunities for faculty from 4-year colleges, 2-year colleges, and high schools to learn from one another and innovate with one another." Generously supported by Bedford, Freeman, and Worth as well as private contributions, the Jennifer Pfannerstill Travel Award is a need-based scholarship providing support for a teacher who has successfully demonstrated a professional commitment to developing as a professional by attending the NABT Conference for the first time. The awardee will receive registration to the NABT Conference, hotel accommodations for the duration of the conference, travel reimbursement, and a one-year complimentary membership to NABT. NABT members from all levels (and based in North America) are invited to apply for the scholarship. The nomination deadline is July 15th, annually. Online Nomination Form.
The Kim Foglia AP Biology Service Award recognizes an AP Biology teacher who displays a willingness to share materials, serves as a mentor to both students and professional colleagues, creates an innovative and student-centered classroom environment, and exemplifies a personal philosophy that encourages professional growth as an AP biology teacher and member of that community. Sponsored by NABT, the Kim Foglia AP Biology Service Award includes a $500 honorarium, a recognition plaque to be presented at the NABT Professional Development Conference, and one-year complimentary membership to NABT. The nomination deadline is March 15th, annually. Online Nomination Form
Every year, the Outstanding Biology Teacher Award (OBTA) program attempts to recognize an outstanding biology educator (grades 7-12 only) in each of the 50 states; Washington, DC; Puerto Rico, Canada; and overseas territories. Candidates for this award do not have to be NABT members, but they must have at least three years of public, private, or parochial school teaching experience. A major portion of the nominee's career must have been devoted to the teaching of biology/life science, and candidates are judged on their teaching ability and experience, cooperativeness in the school and community, and student-teacher relationships. OBTA recipients are special guests of Carolina Biology Supply Company at the Honors Luncheon held at the NABT Professional Development Conference, receive gift certificates from Carolina Biological Supply Company, resources from other sponsors, award certificates, and complimentary one-year membership from NABT. Online Nomination Form
This award, sponsored by NABT, recognizes outstanding teaching (grades 7-12 only) by a "new" biology/life science instructor within their first three years of teaching (when nominated) who has developed an original and outstanding program or technique and made a contribution to the profession at the start of their career. The award includes a $500 travel fellowship and recognition plaque to be presented at the NABT Professional Development Conference and one-year complimentary membership to NABT. The nomination deadline is March 15th, annually. Online Nomination Form
Sponsored by Sarah McBride and John Melville, the Professor Chan Two-Year College Award for the Engaged Teaching of Biology is given to a Two-Year College faculty member who has successfully developed and implemented pedagogical approaches that are engaging, creative, and inclusive and has disseminated these practices within and/or beyond their institution through journal articles, by conducting professional development workshops, conference presentations, demonstrations or invited talks. In the spirit of honoring the contributions of Dr. Gordon Chan, a significant emphasis of this award is on clear demonstration of the impact of the faculty’s professional commitment on a wider student population (beyond the students in their classroom). Some examples of such opportunities could be (but not limited to) development and dissemination of research-based curriculum, field trips, curriculum modules that increase student engagement. Faculty who have engaged in any professional activities that have resulted in successful interdisciplinary and/or multi-institutional collaborative projects will also be considered for this award. A faculty member who has played a lead role in initiatives like development of a new course, a certificate, or a program, or restructuring of a course or program may also be nominated for this award. The nominee is not required to be a member of NABT. This award includes $500 toward travel to the NABT Professional Development Conference. The nomination deadline is May 1st, annually. Online Nomination Form
The Ron Mardigian Biotechnology Teaching Award, sponsored by Bio-Rad Laboratories, recognizes a teacher who demonstrates outstanding and creative teaching of biotechnology in the classroom. The award may be given for either a short-term series of activities or a long-term integration of biotechnology into the curriculum. The lessons must include active laboratory work and encompass major principles as well as processes of biotechnology. Criteria for selection include creativity, scientific accuracy and currency, quality of laboratory practice and safety, ease of replication, benefit to students, and potential significance beyond the classroom. The award includes a recognition plaque to be presented at the NABT Professional Development Conference, one-year complimentary membership to NABT and up to $500 toward travel to the NABT Professional Development Conference and Bio-Rad materials. The nomination deadline is March 15th, annually. Online Nomination Form
Sponsored by NABT's Two-Year College Section and Cell Zone, Inc., this award recognizes a two-year college biology educator who employs new and creative techniques in their classroom teaching. The nominee should demonstrate creative teaching methods using culturally responsive pedagogies that promote equity and inclusion in a virtual, hybrid, or face-to-face environment. Preference will be given to nominees who demonstrate teaching strategies that foster an inclusive environment for students historically underserved in biology. Nominees are also encouraged to cite examples of transformational teaching and assessment methods that they may have implemented in one or more modalities of content delivery. Nominees must be current members of NABT, and the award includes a $500 travel honorarium to attend the NABT Professional Development Conference, a recognition plaque, and one year of complimentary membership to NABT. The nomination deadline is May 1st, annually. Online Nomination Form
Nominate yourself or a colleague for one or more of the NABT awards by filling out the online nomination form. The nominee will be sent all the information, application materials, and cover sheets he or she needs to complete to be considered for the award.
For more information regarding NABT Awards as well as the award nomination form please see below.
For more information about past NABT Award Recipients and OBTA Honorees please see below.
The National Association of Biology Teachers empowers educators to provide the best possible biology and life science education for all students.
NABT, P.O. Box 3363, Warrenton, VA 20188
office@nabt.org | Fax: (202) 962-3939
(888) 501-NABT or (703) 264-9696
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